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 ovarian cancer 


Signs & Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer


Feeling full

Irregular bleeding


Needing to pee

 listen to your body, you know it best 

It’s important to note that there is NO national screening programme for ovarian cancer.

It's important to be symptoms-aware and visit a medical professional if you are concerned.


  • Family history – if two or more relatives from the same side of your family have had ovarian cancer under the age of 50, or there has been more than one case of ovarian and breast cancer in your family, you may have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer – because you may have inherited a BRCA1/2 gene mutation.


  • BRCA1/2 gene mutations – are associated with an up to 60% chance of developing ovarian cancer. 


  • Age – 84% of cases are diagnosed in women over the age of 50, and more than half of all cases in women over 65 – although it is important to remember that a women can get ovarian cancer at any age

Listen to your body, you know it best

When to be Concerned



The symptoms won't go away.



The symptoms occur most days.




The symptoms started in the last 12 months.



The symptoms are not normal for you.

If you have symptoms, you should make an appointment to see a medical professional as soon as possible.

Keep a record of what symptoms you are experiencing and take this to your appointment – this will help make a speedier diagnosis. Remember, no-one knows your body as well as you – listen to your body, she knows you best.

Help us Save Lives

90% curable

Ovarian cancer is 90% curable if detected early – meaning women surviving 5 years or more

7,500 women

are diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year in the UK – that’s 21 per day

1 in 52

women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in their lifetime


Ovarian cancer is the 6th most common cancer in women


  • Myth #1: Testicular cancer only affects older men
    Most cancers primarily affect older patients, but this isn’t true for testicular cancer. The most common age of diagnosis is between 15-45, so it’s important to start checking yourself regularly from puberty.
  • Myth #2: Injuring your balls increases your risk
    We certainly don’t recommend it – and suggest you actively avoid doing it – but there’s no evidence that trauma leads to testicular cancer. Neither do creams, riding a bike, keeping your phone in your pocket or masturbation. Phew.
  • Myth #3: Prostate checks can detect testicular cancer
    It’s important to get your prostate checked, especially for men aged over 50 – but remember that this is only checking for issues with your prostate, not your testicles. It’s important you check your balls regularly at all ages.
  • Myth #4: You can’t have kids after cancer
    For the majority of men, you can have normal fertility with one testicle and a patients sperm count usually returns to it’s baseline normal post- treatment. However, chemotherapy can increase your risk of infertility – so depending on your treatment, your medical team may discuss the option of banking sperm. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure.
  • Myth #5: Lumps always mean cancer
    Any changes in your balls or scrotum can be very worrying – this is why it’s important to act quickly and visit your doctor. The most common cause of lumps on the testicle are cysts – which will be easily diagnosed with an ultrasound and will usually go away with medication.
  • Myth #6: Doctors don’t want to check patients’ balls
    Doctors are trained medical professionals who have dedicated their life to helping others – there is no reason to be embarrassed when visiting them about any part of your body – including your balls.

Your Stories

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Visiting your Dr

If you’re concerned about cancer you must visit your doctor – here’s what you need to know.

Recently Diagonosed?

You’re not alone. Everyone’s experience is different, but here’s what to expect.

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